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What needs to happen when a faculty/staff member leaves a unit or college or the UO?

  1. The inventory records assigned to the departed faculty/staff member need to be updated. (Theoretically if he left CAS, he didn't take his CAS-owned property with him. So the relevant inventory entries should be updated.) The inventory records either need to be assigned to new, accurate owners, or their status needs to be set to "Unknown Owner." The department's office manager(s) or department head(s) can make these changes, as well as the techs and site administrators.
  2. A tech or site administrator needs to delete the residual unsigned property receipt.
    • In the upper right, click "Property Receipts".
    • Search for the user's DuckID.
    • Click "View" -> "Edit" -> Delete.

I found extra MAC addresses for a Mac on the inventory site but not on the actual device?

Macs with newer thunderbolt ports (2013 onwards) have Mac addresses for each port (generally starting with 32:...). If running 10.8 those Mac addresses are do not show up in the list of networks or when running ifconfig and other commands in terminal. In 10.9 and forward those Mac addresses do show up and you also see a new feature called thunderbolt bridge.

Computer and Information Science programmer Lauradel Collins brought this to our attention. She found discrepancies between MAC addresses on the site and when she tried to find the same ones on the actual device.